Dear Body,
Forgive me for being so reckless. For the past year, I have neglected you. I have pumped empty calories inside you and expected you to perform. I have robbed you of necessary rest and hydration. No wonder then, that you have been so sluggish.
Last week, I stupidly jump-started you with back-to-back Body Pump and Zumba. It was a shock to your system. You let me know that by subsequently breaking down on me, refusing to move and crying out in excruciating pain. Muscles I had taken for granted telling the brain several times over, to just throw the body down the stairs to put it out of it’s misery trying to take a step at a time.
I should have seen it coming. Half-way through Body Pump, your quadriceps were jelly. In Zumba, you had no grace, no control of your movements, no rhythm, no coordination, and no flexibility. So this is what it is like to be deconditioned huh?
The move this year has taken a greater toll on you than I could have imagined. For that I am sorry.
From this day forth, I promise you I will love and cherish you and not take any part of you for granted again. Regular exercise, lots of rest, the right balance of fluids, and nutrients will be coming your way…again. No longer would dinner consist of Trader Joe’s Sea Salt Brownies by the handful.
I’m going to make you sweat like you have never had to before. Which reminds me…
Dear Hair,
Dear, dear Hair.
Where do I begin with you? Though you still receive compliments, you too have been neglected. You are now dry, slit-ended, and listless. You refuse to cooperate with my combs and brushes and my lack of patience forces you to break off en mass. Well you know what? Proper hydration, rest, and nutrients will benefit you too. And now that I’m settling down, I will have all the time to pamper you and make use of all those goodies we have collected in the past few months. You shall again be my crown of glory.
That’s a promise to self.
You are to much. .. lol