This is so sickening that I don’t even know where to begin. As Jon Stewart said yesterday, this is such a “NON-SHELL”, this new revelation that President Obama, elected three years ago, is indeed born of American soil. Even worse is Trump’s gloating that he had anything to do with it and moving on to demand the President’s grades.
Someone has to convince me that this has nothing to do with white privilege; nothing to do with racism; nothing to do with prejudice; nothing to do with xenophobia.
That President Obama was born of an interracial marriage; that one parent was not Caucasian and of all the possible options was an African at that; that he was born on some island off the coast of continental USA; that he dares to bear a first, middle, and last name that are foreign; and that his formative years were spent in Indonesia to name a few reasons why he is so un-American has been so unsettling to real Americans that they are simply going berserk….almost three years after they elected him their President.
I just don’t have the words.
Worse, I am surprised at myself for being disappointed in Americans.
At least there are a few rational (I think) people out there in the media who are putting the words to the thoughts in my head though their voices are being drowned by the other sensationalist propagandists.
Jon Stewart on The Daily Show – It is always a sad day when a comedy news-show makes more sense than regular news.
Goldie Taylor, contributing editor for on The Rachel Maddow show describes the racist history of demanding identification from blacks in America. This is poignantly well said.
Bob Schieffer on “CBS Evening News.” Simply Put.
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