Many readers of this blog know that I spent some time in my childhood in Germany. Four years + in Berlin, to be exact. Living in the East and schooling in the West to be more exact.
My sisters and I always speak of that time in our lives with fondness. We had the perfect childhood existence there.
So it comes to pass that this year, we have managed to get our schedules in line and are going on a sibling trip back “home”.
“Excited” would be an understatement. Somehow though, the task of coordinating and planning fell unto me. In the beginning, I relished the challenge. I thought I would just have them tell me their thoughts and preferences and I would combine them all into a plan feasible for all. Well, I have one sister who believes in living it up and figures why don’t we go to Amsterdam, Belgium, and Marseille as well? While we are at it, why don’t we live in the best apartment rental we can find. Let’s call her N’ku. The other sister, M’sa, in her zeal to go with the flow ended up to be absolutely useless. She would have been just as comfortable with one destination and the most basic accommodation – after all, we are only going to sleep there. And the other sister, T’ni, well what can I say?
So in the end, we will spend a little over a week in Berlin, a night in Belgium, and the remainder of our two week holidays in Marseille.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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