I attended class 3 and 4 at Charlottenburg First School. I remember Mrs. Davies and Mrs. Folkes (?sp) as my teachers but I also remember Mr. Greenwood and Mrs. Chittenden. I remember the tire swings, the climbing net and the trees in the playground – enough cover to effectively play kiss-chase. I have fond memories of the inter-school sporting events with Gatow and Spandau.
I then went to Havel School Berlin on the RAF Gatow military base for class 5 and 6 before we left Germany in 1990. Ms. Coates was my last teacher, but I remember Mr. Marsden (who taught older classes), Mr. Pugh the music teacher whose daughter was my year mate, and Mr. Ebbage. I also remember the many school trips I took at both locations such as to Peacock Island, Ka De We, Dahlem Museum and the Aygyptisches Museum, but also remember not being allowed to go on the real school trips such as skiing in Austria. And who can forget the assemblies, and the productions? The Dracular Spectacular?! Hello?!
Today both are no longer, however the Berlin British School now occupies the grounds of what was Charlottenburg First School. I was able to go visit, allowing one of the administrators to show us around. There are not so many woods in the back now. In fact it seems there’s another building back there in addition to the small German school. But inside and in the front, things look the same. The gymnasium looked so small! It brought back memories of me in my leotard twirling all around.
We then got a taxi and tried also to go to the Havel School on the former RAF Gatow airforce base. however, we were only able to get as far as the security in the front. I did try to have the driver take us to the Luftwaffenmuseums der Bundeswehr, a museum dedicated to the history of aviation in Germany which is also on the base however the driver was useless (limited English and German) and so we aborted the mission. But the little I did see brought back memories of being dropped outside the gates (we were not British military) and having to walk past the guards and passed the mini NAAFI shop responsible for my chocolate addiction to get to the school. On high security days, which were not many, there were guards all over with their arms at attention and I would wonder if they would shoot me in the back as I passed them by. Yep, watched one too many war movies, I did.
RAF Gatow has an interesting story. It was built in 1935 as the Luftwaffe headquarters with a training school for German pilots during World War II. From 1945 to 1992, it was operated by the British. It is now called General-Steinhoff Kaserne and apparently has several functions. There is still a military section, a living space for Federal government employees, and the public area where the museum is.
– Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Hi, thanks for this. The pictures bring back good memories. I was in Mrs. Davies' class in 1975/76, and then at the Havel School (I think it was still Gatow Middle School when I was there) from 76-78.
Hi Tim, Mrs. Davies is my "best teacher ever". She retired my year and I have always wondered where life took her next. It's good to hear from another who had her in their life.
Sorry it’s taken me six years to reply! (Kay?) Davies lived in Berlin, and I think stayed in Berlin after retirement. She was a fantastic teacher. My mum taught at Charlottenburg in the late 70s, and stayed in touch with her for a while. What year did Mrs Davies retire?
1988 or 1989
Hi Guys
I went to Gatow between 1975 and 1977 , cant remember any teachers names , but i vaguely remember there being a small wildlife area in the school grounds with a pond ? I lived in schmidt knobelsdorf strasse (sks)
my father was in the Royal Regiment of Wales
Wow you have just described my early years perfectly and we sound like the same age as I also left Berlin in 1990 but I think I was in miss Marr's class (Scottish lady).
I definately had Mr Greenwood as my teacher at Charlottenburg and remember avoiding all the German kids from the school that shared our playground.
How old are you and what's your name?
Matthew Ranshaw 30
Hello Matthew,
I'm a few years older than you, did you go to the Havel before leaving Berlin? I don't recall Miss. Marr. I left Charlottenburg in '88 to go to Havel.
Was your dad a pilot?
I'm certain you and I shared a tent on a trip to Cyprus at the Havel school!
Richard-lee Revill
wow i went to this school!!! god bless Charlottenburg First School. Lots of memories and hoping to go back to Berlin in January 2013 for the first time since i left in 1986 !
Gemma Ince
Age 33
Hi Gemma, I'm glad that I was able to spark memories. We are the same age but I came in '86.
my daughter started school at Ggatow first school in jan 86. her teacher was Miss Atkins. when we came back to the uk in the june of that year she cried all the way back to Luton, saying 'Miss Atkins will miss me' By the time we landed the whole plane was in tears. Bbest posting EVER
Hello Elaine!
So sorry to hear that your daughter cried all the way home from leaving Gatow First School!! You may remember me as its Headmaster!! I have 'Miss Atkins'' home address!! Drop me a line at idpberlin@live.co.uk
All good wishes
John Hancock
Mr Hancock you were my favourite headmaster. Ever. Thank you. O the memories you made me what I am today. Ps who was the teacher that used to drag the boys out by their ears when naughty?
Wow, I remember you from my time at Gatow. Was there Sep 83 to 86 (was nearly 8 when I arrived and nearly 11 when I left. Think I did a few weeks at Havel but most of my schooling was at Gatow 1st school. I have lots of fond memories from my time there, one of the best being singing carols in the Europa centre.
What an excellent exchange of comments. I hope your daughter is able to reconnect with "Miss Atkins" Elaine. How lucky!
I went to Have high school from 1980 till 1983 when my dad was posted in Kladow with the Kings own royal border regiment.
My name is Roy Anderson, my sister is Dawn Anderson, now Dawn Bol.
We both live in Holland and have done so for over 20 years.
At the time we lived and went to Have high school my best friend was Nigel Rooney. I also went around with John McCartney and Stuart Breary.
I remember Nicky or Nicola and Mary Crawford and Eddie Sunderagoo.
Eddie and I were also good friends, we went to see Madness in a mini concert before they became famous. Briljant concert.
I also attended a youth club which was across from Spandau prison. No longer there.
It would be fantastic to get in touch with anyone who knew me or others a the time.
My email address : scotchcorner@outlook.com
Hi Roy. Not to sure I remember you but I certainly remember Nigel Rooney, him and I were very competive in all sports events. Some of the best times of my life were at the Havel school Berlin was a wonderful place.
Hi, I'm searching for my best friend ADELE ROSS, been looking for 30 years now, we lived in Osnabrück 81-83 both went to DMS, I left in 83 but she stayed then went on to a boarding school in Germany, I remember it was in Berlin… that was the last time I heard from her, any help would be appreciated!
Hi Anonymous, have you tried Facebook? There are old school groups there.
wow what a school!!! I think I was their late 80s early 90's. Daniel Law, friends with Kirk Howe, John Clarke, Andrew Burgess and Ashley Laverick.
Loved this post! I'm an American who attended the Havel School with my sister in 1989, just before the Berlin Wall fell. This brings back so many happy memories. I tried to go back and visit in the mid-1990s and it was a bit sad to see it completely vacant. Glad to see that they're at least using the site again.
I attended Berlin Middle school earlier 76-79.My younger sister attended Charlottenburg.Great memories. Some of us danced in the 1977 Berlin Tattoo with the massed pipes and drums through the school practicing every dinner time for months.remember the rifle cases outside the classrooms.Be great to hear from anyone who was there about this time.Tried to go when I visited a couple of years ago but didnt get passed gate guard who did not speak any English.Went to the Air museum instead.
Hi I would almost certainly have been there around the same time -I left in 1981 and I guess I would started in 1978. Alas I can recall only a few names. I can just about remember the Tattoo though!
I was at Charlottenburg 73-75 and also in Mrs Davies class then Havel School until 82, my dad was the deputy Head (Joe Eales) great memories.
Hi Dave, I was at the Havel at the same time as you. My dad, Ian Jones, was a teacher there 75-80. I was in Miss Robins & Miss Flanagan's classes. Is your last name Taylor?
Hi Tim, I was a teacher at Gatow Middle school from 1973-1978 and I knew your dad. He, and you, are Welsh aren’t you? Great times then. I’ll tell you a lot more if you reply,
E. L. Campbell
I was the school secretary at the middle school from 72 to 75. Head was first Mr Eccleston then Mr Enticknap. Been trying to remember headmistress’s name! Deputy head was joe Eales I think.
Hi Edward, sorry it’s taken me two years to return to this thread! Dad & mum now retired (obviously!), living in the north-east of England.
Tim, I am an old friend of your father and mother. I would really like to get in touch with them.
I remember you from Kiplingweg! Wonderful to make contact with you – my parents will be thrilled.
My work email is tim.jones@cofesuffolk.org
Drop me a line there and I’ll put you all in touch.
Dear James, Sorry if I missed a reply to my old work address. My new work address is timjones@churchinwales.org.uk
Feel free to drop me a line and I’ll put you in touch with Mum&Dad
Amazing reading this. I was at the Havel 80 -83. What an amazing time I had. I remember Mr Groves my science teacher and Mr Grundy my German teacher……I believe he was having a fling with my French teacher ha ha
Hi. I attended this school 1981-1984 I am sure I remember Mr. Grundy. He also had a fling with my aunt Hilary who taught there. I remember the runs we had to do! I have tried to track down my friend Anthula Ellison. She returned to Greece as her parents divorced. I would love to speak with her.
I attended Charlottenburg First School 66-68
Mr Ingles was my amazing teacher
Happy days
Hello Gayle, I was there from 67-69 with my brother Robert, any chance we remember any of the same people? I dont remember the name of our teachers. Nor many of the fellow class mates. We started secondary school in ’70 and ’72! Steven
I attended this school in 85 – 87 does any one remember a tortoise called Tabiatha? it was in miss Chittenden's class?
I was there during that time but alas don't remember the tortoise.
Dear unknown,
I taught at Charlottenburg school for a year 1972-1973 before transferring to Gatow Middle school. I knew Lynn Chittenden, a lovely New Zealand girl.
E. L. Campbell
I also went there Those years
I remember the tortoise and looked after it many times , i was at charlottenburg from 87 – 90 i think , i remember miss chittenden and mr greenwood , can anyone remember karen giles ?
I don’t remember Karen Giles. Was that a student?
super memories just writing a speech thing and looked up Charlottenburg school and this thread came up – go Google! Lovely to read so many fond stories…I was Kathryn Sharpe in those days, John Hancock it's lovely to see your comments – dad had a blast with all you head teachers in those days!!! Love lots xx
I was a teacher at The Havel between 1983 – 1986. I shared a flat with Carolyn Mansfield but have lost touch. I remember John Hancock – I taught his daughter!
Hi I went to charlottwnburg First School between 1984-1987 Then 1 year at havel. I have lots of pictures back then. I can share if you like. Kerim Erkayran
Hi Kerim!
We were in the same class! Miss Davies/Miss Foulkes. 🙂
I was at charlottenberg from 1972 to 1973 Miss THane was my class teacher. I still have the ladybird book she gave me when she returned to England to get married.. Remember Kerry Davies who left to go to,ballet school. Susan Amphkett who had a brother called Paul. I went up to Gatow Middle school for a year before coming back to the UK. My maiden name was Christine Welch.
Hi all,
My husband attended Charlottenburg First School from 1964 until about 1970 when he came back to England (not sure of the exact dates, but it was around then). We finally travelled back to Berlin together for the first time earlier this year, when we visited the site of what is now the Berlin British School. It was a great trip that stirred up lots of old memories and I’m now trying to put together a photo album for my husband as a keepsake of his childhood in Berlin and our return trip. Does anyone have any photos of the old Charlottenburg School from the 60s that they would be happy to email to me? If so, please reply to this message and I’ll post my email address. Thanks all!
Wish you luck in your search. And if those photos exist, I would like to see them as well!
I have only just seen this thread. My mum worked as school secretary and German teacher at Charlottenburg British school from 1950 until 1967. Fraulein Christa Frenzel. She has sadly died but I am now writing a memoir of her life. I have some old photos of what I assume is the school. Mainly taken in the 50s. Would love to have them identified if anyone is interested. The headmistress she worked up until 1967 was Miss Ray.
Hello Ingrid
I have previously posted here as I was trying some time ago to locate the school I went to. None of the photos of school buildings that are in the galleries on this web site show any of the buildings that I recall. I suspect that the school changed a lot after my time there in 1952/53. Are your photos different to the ones on this web site? If so I would be interested in seeing them to see if I recognize anything
Was there a Miss Adams at Charlottenburg? I was there after my dad left HK in, I think, 1969/70 ish.
Hi me and my two sisters went to Havel school from 1985 to 1987 best place we ever lived it was fantastic. Scott murby
Hello, I was at a British School near Spandau in 1952 (Dad was part of the Berlin Brigade) but have not been able to locate it. We lived in Schnepfenruether Weg near the barracks where Dad was stationed which was bordered by Hohenzollernring There now appears to be a large office building at the front where the barracks was originally located. There were trams terminating further north in the woods and a little further on was the border with East Germany.
We were taken to our school by military bus. From Google Earth I think that we travelled along what is now called Schonwalder Straze towards Spandau city centre. In those days there was a railway line terminating somewhere along this road and there were no houses.
The commercial centre of Spandau had many buildings that had been damaged by bombing. We turned and travelled along a road that passed by Spandau Prison – possibly what is now called Kloster Straze and Gatow Straze.
From there my recollection is a bit hazy but I remember that the school was set back in its own grounds like an English country manor. There were “conker” trees out the front and I recall a small lake out the back. The right hand building was a large hall
Its a lot further back in time than most of the other comments here but I am wondering if my description fits any of the schools mentioned here,
Eric Goddard
Wow, thank you, just found this site and the comments. We were there from 1957 – 59 and I went to the ‘mansion’ and was told it was the house belonging to Mendalsohn – or another German composer anyway. We used to sledge down the hill in the garden for our sports lessons and the main staircase was something magical. Like you we went by bus from Charlottenburg via the Funktum, then I get lost. Our class had a huge marble fireplace and chandarlier. What a great time we had and then we were the first kids to be transferred to Charlottenburg Primary. Just over the road from where we lived. Like many we did make the journey back and saw around the school. I am trying to find the original school. Teachers like Mr Gibbs – with a false leg, he used to tap it with a ruler. Cannot remember any kids there except my brother and sister but do remember three brother called Chadwick.
Hello all, have been reading the posts with a smile and many happy memories. I went to Spandau and then onto Havel back in 1981 – 1985 along with my brothers Simon and Jonathan and also my sister Paula. My oldest brother and sister were at Queens in Rheindahlen during this time. I was able to take my wife back and show her around Spandau and take a trip down memory lane – amazing times. Some others from my time at Havel were Philip Bouchard, Lee Brown, Rahul Mahajan and Paul Ellis …..
Hi my name is Robert stretton aka stroggs i left the havel school in 1982 our year was the first to leave that i was in to ska in them day’s specials madness ect if anybody who remembers add me on Facebook
I was in havel school in 1989-1990 Caroline carvell
Wow – I went to Charlottenberg in 1983-84 and then Havel in 1985. I had Carrie Roberts at a teacher at the Havel, she was the best and a Mr Lennon at Charlottenburg, I lived in East Berlin as my dad was an Australian diplomat. I have fond memories of my time in Berlin.
We did not cross paths but always nice to meet others with similar experiences.
Hi my name is John Banbury my dad was in the RAF but we lived in Charlottenberg he worked for Brixmis, I went to Charlottenberg 1st first school when I was 7 in 83 to 85 I was in miss Davies class for them 2 years still got 2 class photos as well lol then went to Havel school 85 to 87 had Mr adgar as my teacher he is from the north east cause that is where I went after I left Berlin I work at the NHS in Newcastle his sister works there as well, then me last year at Havel school I had miss Smith also got class photo of that , I was also in the cubs and scouts the first Berliners in Charlottenberg got loads of pics of our camping trips
gosh all these lovely memories. I visited Gatow middle school with my brother Andrew (1974-1979), Dad in 1. LI (DLI). My teacher Mr. Monaghan, Head-Mr. Enticnap, sewing and cooking-Mrs Watson, Woodwork-Mr. Taylor, German teacher-Mr. cornelius (I loved him) Yes and prefects (I was one!!) Routbuses. rounders and netball at breaktime, assembly every morning. My school friends- Tina Lambert, Debbie Rhymer (we were good divers and swimmers at our school pool),Lawrence McGoven, Angela Barnard.. i wonder were they all are??These were my best school years of my life.
Hiya. I was there from 76-78. Miss Flanagan’s class then Miss Robbins. My dad (Ian Jones) taught there from 75-80.
Hi. A little late to the party. My dad was stationed at RAF Gatow and we lived in an apartment in Wald Strasse near the Officer’s Mess behind the NAAFI – where my mum worked. Our appartment was part of the old Luftwaffe establishment and mum always thought it was haunted – lights would turn on in empty bedrooms etc.
I recall the school buildings themselves were pretty spooky particularly the cellars.
I attended Gatow Middle School (as it then was) from 1971 to 1973 . I was in Miss Wakefield’s class in the 3rd year and then Mr Willis(?) in the 4th. I remember the new school gym being built shortly after I started. I also remember the fantastic langauge lab (Mr Cornilius teaching us German). My dad was a good golfer and taught one of the teachers (a good-looking Scotish guy, Mr Cowie) to play (or at least coached him) and they became great friends. Which was alittle tricky for me as Cleve Cowie was the PE teacher… unfortunately we lost touch with him when my mum accidently threw-out dad’s address book 🙁
I remember it as a great time in my life, both Berlin and the school which was a very happy place – before being packed off to boarding school in the UK to complete my education. Happy days!
I was at gatow school 72to 75. I thought Mr Cornelius was a fantastic teacher. I remember Mr Cowie , Miss Stockings . I loved going to the school however I didn’t like the deputy head Mr Eales. I wish I had kept in contact with all my friends. I had a girlfriend at the school called Deborah Cadman. My family lived in Ragnitzer Steig in Spandau
I’d have just missed you, Dermid – we arrived in Berlin in 1975.
Hello everyone, I attended Charlottenburg in ’67 to 69′ and remember very little. a few names of fellow pupils and something of the maths and handwriting (all italics) classes. Does this triggered anyone by any chance!
I just came across this in my search for the Havel. I went to the Havel between 89-94. I remember Mr Pugh. MR Leo I think was a science teacher. MR Walker as I was in his class, and Mrs Fielding was my year 8 teacher. Mrs Hyam taught German and her son was in my class. I loved the trip to Ka De Ve. Activities week was the best part of the year. I always chose tennis but one year sent to texle. I didn’t ever go on the ski trips either. Do you remember the trip on the BMT. 6 to a cabin. Sports day was always amazing!
Hi my name is Elizabeth Donald I went to the harvel between 1984 till 1987 my dad was in the R.H.F based at Montgomery barracks I was in 3rd year to 5 the year till we left would love to find some old friends from that time for a catch up .
Wow some memories. Stumbled across this page. Dad was 1 KINGS, I went to Spandau School 1987-1988 the the Havel until 91 when we posted back to UK. Lived on Darby Strasse. Was posted back myself to Paderborn 2016-18 and visited Berlin and memory lane. Left the Army and worked for Amazon and one of my projects was a large sortation Centre in Brandenburg region, stayed a lot in central Berlin – took my kids back to the estate we lived on and all around Berlin sites including the zoo! Great times. John Wilson
Hi, great post, it brings back great but patchy memories! I was at Charlottenburg school sometime in the mid 70s and then Havel until 1981. Unfortunately I can’t remember the teachers names, just some of their faces. I remember the woods and playground behind the school, and the bus trip into Havel.
Hi, came across this post completely by accident. I was at the Havel School from around 1985-1988 with Kenny Kerr, John Clarke, Paul Mason, Alun Ebbage and the Heenan twins amongst others. Moved on and lost contact with almost everyone, would be good to catch up! Barry Jones