I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. Different issues, same line of thoughts. Police brutality especially as pertains to the African American community. Gay marriage and the Indiana freedom to discriminate laws. Women’s rights and contraception. Earth rights and fracking and climate change, etc.
Those of us in oppressed minority communities – women, Blacks, LGBT etc. – are suffering in various degrees from the victory narrative. We no longer want to be seen as angry Black militants, or as man-hating feminists, or as ultra-gay, because we have arrived, we are visible parts of society, and we are normal and happy. An injustice to one is just that — their bad luck. But think about it. How many years since voting rights given to Blacks and yet we are still fighting for this. How many years since Roe v. Wade and yet we are still policing women’s bodies. A word of caution then for the LGBT community is not to let their guard down like women have and like African-Americans have, because those who hate still hate.
Today, the predominant news-story is that of the 21 year old American terrorist who massacred nine people at a prayer group in a church yesterday. A group that he sat in the midst of before pulling out his gun and shooting them. A group of Black Americans killed by a 21 year old White American man. Man, because no-one is going to convince me that he’s just a boy. Terrorist because that is what he is. A racist white supremacist terrorist at age 21 in the year 2015 in a state that flies the confederate flag in these United States of America. Unbelievable is the catchphrase being thrown around. But is it really? Yes, America has a Black president, but racism runs deep and wide. Yes, women have made strides, but sexism runs deep and wide. Yes, the LGBT community is winning victories as of late, but homophobia and transphobia still run deep and wide. Let us minorities not forget who we are and why we have to demand our rights. We cannot escape our histories. We each in our own little worlds should open discussions about the real impact of racism, sexism, “homophobism”, whether we want to label ourselves or not. Because those who hate us and resent us and blame us for their misfortune are not in any hurry to forget.
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